Learn How to Coach Clients
in Addiction Recovery
One-Day Professional Training Program for Certified Coaches
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Professional life, career and executive coaches partner with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional abilities, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex world.
Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful and whole.
This coaching process helps clients dramatically improve their outlook on both work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.
Success in the coaching relationship is measured in part by achievement of coaching goals established at the outset:
Internal self-validating assessments, changes in the individual's self-awareness and awareness of others, shifts in thinking that create more effective actions, and confidence inspiring shifts in emotional states may be important indicators.
External measurements may include increased income/revenue, improved performance feedback, positive performance data.
The key issue for both coach and client is that these metrics be meaningful to the client.
Recovery Peers
Recovery Coaching is a peer-based service model, developed and provided mainly by persons who are in recovery themselves, offering support for persons in, or seeking recovery from, substance use and other behavioral disorders.
Similar to life and career/business coaching, the client (“recoveree” or “coachee”) focuses on achieving important self-identified goals while the coach provides expertise in supporting successful change.
Recovery Coaches (also known as Sober Coaches or Companions, Peer Advocates and Specialists) work with recoverees at any point in the continuum of care beginning with recovery initiation through stabilization and into recovery maintenance, recognizing that there are many pathways to recovery and that addiction recovery is a non-linear process. Recovery Coaching focuses on using current strengths to reach future goals, while the coach also serves as an accountability partner and a bridge to the wider recovery community.
Over the past decade, with the emergence of the evidence-based Recovery Oriented Systems of Care (ROSC) model and the major role that peers play in this model of service delivery, there has been increased interest in peer services.
Additionally, one of the transformational changes that Federal health care reform is bringing is an increasing focus on peer services, funding mechanisms to support peer services, and credentialing of peer services.
Thus, recovery peers are emerging as a creditable profession with a valued role in the continuum of care supporting addiction recovery.
Amy Bloustine is a New York University Certified Life Coach, a Five O’Clock Club Certified Career Coach and an International Coach Federation Associate Certified Coach. Her professional practice is in the life and career coaching field.
Ruth Riddick is a New York Certification Board Certified Addiction Recovery Coach, a member of the OASAS Peer Alumni Association and of the NYC Peer Recovery Network. She serves in the recovery peers services field - see recoveryexperts.com profile